Yesterday was my last day at my internship.!!! :::sigh::: i was all too excited. It was nice.. the kiddies made me personal cards with their own little messages and gave me flowers. awww
So, now it's on to the real world.. I've already gotten jobs at the school i was working at before the internship so that's really really good. :)
I had all these things planned as far as what i was going to do the night of my last day.. um. yea. i was so tired i didn't do anything i had planned. I came home and took a 2 hour nap.. longer than i wanted to, but damn it felt good. Went to the mall with my mom to find a dress for graduation, then to my aunt's house for dinner.. The original plan was to head over to Blue Martini but i didn't feel like drinking.. ((shock)) lol
Instead, i decided to head up north to go see Obsessed.. yea. going to the movies didn't happen either.! lol
Spent the night with that birthday cake remixxx watching Slumdog Millionaire. it is such a good movie with a crazy soundtrack.. i need to get that. I didn't get to see the ending because we feel asleep.. i told you i was tired. Shoulda stayed up and whooped Jax in Mortal Kombat hahahaaaa
this song makes me want to put my belly dancing CD to use.. lol
So... that was my last day. Happy to be done. Next step... graduation.! :)

Blue Martini @ the Mall of Milennia??
awww...I am so proud of you! What do you want to do next weekend? We have to celebrate...
Cant wait to see you Thurday!
Oh, and please tell Vicki that I decided not to bring her any of the stuff I told her about..It's all junk after I looked at it..
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