haven't blogged in a few days..
had the day off yesterday.. that was nice. =) so i spent the day with Nicole and baby JJ. we did what we love to do.. went shopping.!! it's great therapy.. plus, we gotta get JJ started early ;) lol picked up some cute clothes and ... I GOT MY BOOTS.!!! i got some cute tops and this super cute dress from forever21.. it looks simple in the pic, but really good on.
i still want a black jacket.. i'd like leather but hey, pleather will do.. went to MAC but didn't get anything :( i know.. who does that.?! nikki got some makeup tho.. going shopping with her is the best.. there's never a 'hmm should i or shouldn't i' because her answer is always 'just get it, it's cute' i loves it.
after our fantabulous day of shopping we opened a bottle of wine and cooked (or rather, i watched her cook) penne a la vodka.. YUM. it's simple but i'd rather enjoy my wine and let her do her wifey thing. we ate and played with JJ who is getting so big. i really need to get a camera so i can take some pics... then for dessert i had to have some birthday cake remixxx..
PS. coldstone is having this 2 like it size ice cream creations for $5 so if you've never had it.. now is a great time to try it.
it is still cold in Florida. i hope it doesn't go away.
dear cold weather, please stay. till at least february. love, vero.
i got the beyonce cd. it's really good. jamel and i have been dancing to it all day. he likes 'single ladies' almost as much as i do. oh.. aaaaand. i heard the new kanye.. i should be getting it tonight. all i need is the britney. STILL.
KANYE WEST: anyway/paranoid. love this song. i was listening to it and was thinking 'wow, makes sense' i mean.. think about it.. a lot of people trip over dumb ish.. when they shouldn't even worry bout it. myself included at times. if you got it, you got it ;) no matter what else is going on or what else is happening. no sense in messin things up just because you 'worried bout the wrong things' so, yea. that's all ima say about that.
that's all for now. i gotta make a quick run to target then i'm going to see Twilight.. in my new boots of course lolol.. i'll blog my thoughts on the movie either tonight or tomorrow.

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