Saturday, February 28, 2009

the letter 'V'

Stephany was tagged to do this letter representation game... she tagged me with the letter 'V'.. this should be fun.
here we go...

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1. Vacation.. hopefully to Spain in May.
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2. Viagra.. because everybody needs sex in their life
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3. Vodka.. need i say more.?!
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4. Victoria Beckham.. she's hot.. and always rockin a hot pair of heels.
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5. Vitamin Water.. 50 made water.?! and it's good.
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6. Vanilla anything.. coffee.. cake.. ice cream.. yum.
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7. Vanity Fair.. women's magazines in general but this one starts with V ((and Jennifer Lopez and Gwen Stefani are on the cover.. looking stunning as ever))
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8. Vegetables.. tastes good and they're good for you.
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9. Voting.. the wonderful world of democracy. *obama*
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10. Video Games... i'm not a fan but i will say after a night of drinking #3, RockBand is the coolest thing ever.
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... and with that thought.. i leave you with my favorite song on RockBand... after a few drinks, i swear i'm better than Anthony Kiedis.

Dani California - Red Hot Chili Peppers # 1


Stephany said...

you forgot the reason I gave you this letter silly...



LWLH said...

I'd have to agree with everything on your list expect for maybe vegetables...I'm more of a fruit person! :)