7:45 am. that's what time i set my alarm for this morning. and i surprised myself by NOT hitting snooze. had some business i had to handle today. But, before heading out the door, there was something i wanted to do. I've been in such a cranky mood lately so i wanted to get back in the habit of my 'vero time.' I put the alarm earlier than i really needed to be up to make sure that i had time. made myself a nice egg sandwich with my cafe con leche and did the ME thing... just sat still.. no thoughts in my head just a smile on my face. i almost forgot how good it felt. Then, i set off to my productive morning. So productive in fact, that i thought i should reward myself LOL..
i told myself to only buy ONE thing: the romper. but then, i found the distressed jeans i JUST blogged about. kindof. they're not the loose boyfriend fit. but they were so cute and inexpensive. i couldn't pass them up. i know. i know. shame on me. but then, to make it worse, as i was waiting in line, i saw them. the glasses. the clear nerd glasses that i DO NOT need but could not stand to put back.
they're long and i'm short so i will wear them cuffed up
BTW.. i finally got to wear my purple AA pocket dress over the weekend when i went downtown. it is the most comfortable dress ever. might just be my new go to.
"Everyday is my day. I'ma do it my way. Everyday."

Too cute...love the jeans! :)
dude, those glasses are not cute! sorry...but they are funny and the jeans are awesome...me time should be a sacred thing for a girl.
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