then hit up sonic after.. those tater tots are yummy.
my sister saw the 'yes man' movie with jim carrey and said it was funny so i want to see that one..
for xmas my mom got me the sex n the city movie so i might have to plan a girls night with it and some wine.. hmmm.
i've become obsessed with decorating and organizing my room.. i want to keep adding things or moving things around to make it perfect. i'm happy with the furniture and the way it's set up but now i need things on the walls.. i have the 'live laugh love' up and i think that's pretty. i went to target today looking for a large picture frame because i want to take the 'promise yourself' poem.. blow it up(big).. and frame it. i couldn't find anything i liked :( i'd like it to be bronze to match the rest of my room decor.
i'm going to try michael's.. they have cute frames there.
i want some nice candles too.. not just for pretty.. candles to burn that smell nice. and some nice curtains..
i got some cute shoes for my internship...
these are called 'veronica' so i swore they were made for me lol

oh, and i got a new book.. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. i haven't even finished Eat, Pray, Love yet.. i just want to have my next book lined up.. and it's something i'm really interested in. i have to hurry and get to reading before my internship gets started.
i tried a new recipe from Publix today.. honey chicken and ginger broccoli.. yumm.
it also has vanilla rice.. but i didn't try that. next time.
try it. lemme know what you think.

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